Tuesday, May 15, 2007

ooooh boy.

And lo: it was May. Where has the time gone?

I'm about to sign a lease on my new apartment in New City and I'll be moving in about a month. Before starting school in August, I'll embark on a mini tour of Asia (since it's probably my last chance to do so for a loooooong time). I'm so excited! Soon it will be new people, five hundred pounds of reading, and stress, so I'm going to try to eke out as much fun from this summer as possible. I'm hoping my posts will increase in frequency as orientation approaches.

Soon: Ikea, a search for the best coffee shops in my neighborhood, and (as nerdy as this sounds) the new-book smell of a fresh start.

New City: here I come!


Shoja Azadeh said...

Haha good luck on your new start! I'm in the same boat!

Anonymous said...

It won't be your last chance to do it in a long time, never fear. I did two study abroads in law school (one summer and one semester program). It was pretty awesome, and I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

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