Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wherein I go crazy.

Now, I've read all the blogs and books and have told myself that law school would be a whole new monster; that I'd have to approach it in a new way and that I needed to be patient with myself. This still applies now, but I've encountered a new problem that I've NEVER experienced before: I'm completely terrified of speaking in class. I mean, I know many people encounter this type of anxiety but I was literally SHAKING during class. I was really worried that the row of people behind me could actually see me shaking so I pulled my hoodie closer. So I keep telling myself that I'm paying the big bucks to learn a new style of thinking and that isn't not gonna come easy. Supposedly, the only way to learn this new style is to raise that hand and participate. I'm really trying to work on it, but I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to be doing in class. It's difficult to articulate, as I know that you're supposed to brief the cases and be able to discuss them in class (which I do - I've worked very hard on learning how to brief), but other than being able to recite the details of the case, I'm completely baffled by how many comments my classmates have. I mean, I sit in class and I listen to them (and most are good points), but my mind is just blank. I keep wondering what I'm "supposed" to be thinking or what a good student would do.

I guess this is just a natural part of starting law school, but it seems like all my other classmates have absolutely no qualms about raising their hands. They need a manual for this! On the other hand, I'm not sure why I'm finding this so difficult. It's just read, brief, and answer the prof's questions in class, right?

Anywho, seems like I'm right where I'm supposed to be at this stage and I'm gonna take all the advice at face value and truly hope that "I"ll get the hang of it." The funny thing is, this current two week class is completely non-graded and exists purely to help prep us for the real deal in 1.5 weeks. If I understand the cases, why do I feel so disoriented?

Mission for tomorrow: actually raise my hand and say something. Even if it is just the procedural posture.

Sorry, that's the end of that rant! Hope all you other 1Ls are doing ok...


Anonymous said...'re not one of the thousands of type A, go getters who are used to being teachers pet and talking through class? Good for you. You're probably a much more interesting person to talk to outside of class. As long as you understand the material I wouldn't worry about it. There aren't participation points in most law school classes. You're stretching your way of thinking just by listening to the tangents they go off on. Focus on what the professors way of reasoning is. That's what they'll be testing on.

Unknown said...

I agree with what L.J.T. said above. You might think that your classmates know their stuff and are saying brilliant things and thus be worried that you aren't coming up with the same brilliant things, but most of what gets said in class is tangental crap. Focus on paying attention to the professor, and when the professor also spouts off tangental crap commercial study guides and upper level students can be a life saver :)

Law school is a strange transition to make, the hardest part for me was realizing that 90% of the learning that I do gets done outside of the classroom and that if it wasn't for the stupid ABA policy that you have to go to 80% of the class meetings or else fail I frankly would probably never show up to lectures :)

Anonymous said...

If you've read the cases and understand them, then you're ahead of the curve. I can almost guarantee that the majority of the folks who so impressed you in class were shaking in their boots, too.

That said - I do recommend that you speak up in class every once in a while. Because eventually you're going to get a professor who just calls on people instead of taking volunteers, or you're going to end up in front of a judge in a crowded courtroom. Conquering this fear can really help in the future. :)

All that said - I'm petrified about being called on, too. But when you DO get called and you DO get the answer right... it's this awesomeamazing feeling of euphoria. You get more confident, and you want to do it again. I'm firmly convinced that law school is like really good crack cocaine - only crazy people do it, and it kills you while you feel great. *lol*

LawNut said...

I think it's totally normal to feel disoriented! Law school is new and it IS scary! You'll be fine - just relax!!!

Anonymous said...

ITA with the people above. Many seemingly "smart" people have gotten where they are because they are strong speakers/can bullshit well. That doesn't mean they're any smarter than you, just that they are talented in one area where you may be more talented in another. Good luck! Hopefully it will get easier soon.

Butterflyfish said...

Number 5 guy in my class was the stealth student -- the guy who was never EVER called on because he never raised his hand, never made eye contact with profs or peers in class, never showed any interest. Kicked ass on exams though.