Monday, September 3, 2007

Thanks, everyone, for your advice. I'm feeling slightly more confident about the whole thing and --dare I say it-- a little excited again. I love that everyone seems so nice, I love my law school's location, I love the view from the library, and I love our new-ish clinic space. I love that I'm finally taking my first steps on a path that I've been worrying/dreaming about for a decade. As you all know, it's so difficult to keep your perspective in the midst of all this. I think it's partly because my partner hasn't moved to my New City yet (hopefully in two weeks). It's crazy that we've been together for five years now (3.5 of which we've lived together), and it's really a strange feeling to have been apart for a bit now. Oh well.

I really hope things go well tomorrow. I've briefed all the cases (and erred on the side of too many notes for now as I still have no idea what I should be doing now), but I've already forgotten all the details. This doesn't bode well for class, eh? Also, I'm still working out my study schedule. I think I like the idea of treating law school like a job (working 8am-7pm), but I don't think I'll be able to finish all my work that way, right? I very much want to leave my books/work at school (esp. given the weight), but I don't want to burn out so early in the semester. stressssssssssssssss. anyway, i need to go to bed. early to rise...


divine angst said...

A couple of options:

Try doing all your reading on Sunday. Then you can leave your books at school during the week.

Cut your books. Have the bindings cut off and holes punched in them, place them in 3-ring binders, and only carry the pages for the week's reading. (There's a copy shop in the basement of the med school that will do this for you--Kinko's won't, though.)

Get your reading done all at school and forget about it at home. It can be done if you are working 8-7 at school. One recommendation: move past full briefing really quickly and figure out a method for book briefing.

Just a few suggestions. Carrying all your books around every day does suck.

Anastasia said...

I did 1L like a job. During the first few weeks, I realized I was still sitting in the library at 9 pm, but once you start to figure out what you're doing, you probably won't need to stay past 5-6. There's a heavy learning curve in the beginning and then it's easy. If it got to 7 pm, I just went home. Doing law 24 hours a day is not the healthiest. Sometimes a break makes for a more efficient return. I also spent one weekend morning in the library where I did catch-up reading and reading for the next week.

You'll be fine. It's hectic at first, but don't worry too much about it. I would say the most important thing is to make yourself break away from it at times and go the movies, dinner, the bar, etc.