Thursday, October 18, 2007

Can Law School Induce Bi-Polar disorder?

Cause I think I need some Lithium real fast. As is quite frequently the case, when things seem to be going well life takes a big, sweet turn for the worse. Thursdays and Fridays (well, until 2pm on Fridays) are my most UNCTUOUS days because I have Crim. Law with Professor Scary. I just don't understand anything in that class, no matter how hard I try. Everyone says I shouldn't worry, because our Prof talks about theory way more than we need to be responsible for on the exam, but I really think my mind just doesn't work near anything crim related. My other classes are 234233423 times easier than crim. I already know crim will be my worst grade and have announced it to the class. Some of my sectionmates laughed, but I could see in many of their eyes that they think the same. I guess it makes me less curmudgeonly and more endearing since I'm not a threat. In FACT I'm doing them a service by bringing down the curve. yay.

So I was flying high on Wednesday b/c I felt really productive in 3 class, but man - I don't think I've ever felt so low as I did after class today. Talking to the TA made me feel slightly better and I feel so lucky that he's so willing to help. However, it won't be helpful unless I know what questions to even ASK him but I'm still at the i-don't-know-what-i-don't-know stage. I hate that I'm using outside commercial aides for this class simply b/c I feel like I need to teach it to myself, but I don't know what else to do. I just don't even know how to approach it.

Can I also say that I HATE that all I talk about is law school? I used to be an interesting person, I swear.

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